The truths and lies of Mayor Quintero's accountability

  • By:karen-millen



More than 5,000 people attended La Macarena yesterday to learn about the accountability of the second year of government of Mayor Daniel Quintero. Most of the participants were administration officials, who were summoned by different media to attend, according to sources consulted by EL COLOMBIANO.

Emails from contractors and related parties received Quintero's invitation and, even, the Secretary of Human Resources issued circular 202160000234 on December 13 to modify the working hours of the level servers central, to begin at 7:00 a.m. in La Macarena, and conclude at 3:00 p.m. in their jobs. The measure was exempted for those who had to be strictly in their posts.

"It is of great importance for the entity that the servers participate in the administration events that allow socializing the Development Plan bets in which the servers contribute", reads the circular.

The truths and lies of surrender of Mayor Quintero's accountability

Some officials told this outlet that although the guideline was not “mandatory”, there was a feeling that you had to attend to fill stands, even when you could connect to the transmission. Some even stated that they saw it as a show and that they felt pressured to attend the call because although they should not confirm through attendance, they felt that it could look bad that the immediate boss, leader or coordinator did not notice their presence.

The truths and lies of Mayor Quintero's accountability
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