The magnitude of the surprise! Primary Quarter | Union Guanajuato

  • By:karen-millen



In the fourth grade Values ​​class, the theme will be discussed: ”The magnitude of surprise! “, to regulate the emotions related to surprise, according to the stimulus that provokes them, as well as the achievement of personal and collective goals.

What do we do?

To begin, look at the following images, they are from the Huasteca Potosi woman found in the state of San Luis Potosí, you will find them fascinating.

Surely you also have something that fascinates you, something that has you captivated or completely captivated, for example, if they do tricks on bicycles and, after many attempts, you manage to do the Superman, then you are fascinated or fascinated by cycling.

Fascination is the engine that causes curiosity to carry out any activity. When you want to achieve a goal, you must be clear and willing to learn new things. The family is very important in this process, in it you can learn to handle the amazement of everyday events and turn them into news to share with everyone.

The great secret to achieve a personal goal is interest and support, it is something really wonderful, because interest opens the door to find and learn a lot about something new, but with support it is how you truly reach those opportunities.

Now read the next note about goals that can be achieved with the family.

Fascination can become love, idealization of something or someone, the culmination of a career, etc. Depending on how it is regulated and extended, depending on how it can be converted into desires that drive and motivate the person to achieve personal and/or social goals. What is fleeting like a star is surprise, secondary emotions already imply personal interpretations that can leave a mark that will be taken up again at some point in life to reactivate interest, curiosity, and even fascination for something or someone.

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The magnitude of the surprise! Fourth of Primary | Unión Guanajuato

All emotions play a very important role in society. Fascination motivates you to achieve personal and social goals, when you experience great interest in something that catches your attention and helps you understand it.

When was the last time you experienced this emotion? Did you know that emotions such as fascination or amazement have a very important social function because they promote empathy towards people and make you more aware of the environment in which you live?

You will hear some comments from students from some parts of the country.

América, from the state of Hidalgo, tells us: “I love being with my cousins ​​because we managed to remove the tires from the bicycle, We were very brave! we always meet goals together.”

Héctor, from CDMX, comments: “I am fascinated when my grandmother shows me her collection of old photographs, the city has changed a lot and I learn a lot about the history of our country.”

Marco, from Cuernavaca, Morelos, writes: “I love it when my teacher gives us virtual classes because I can see her and I love talking with her.”

Fascination happens when a person is completely attracted or admired with some situation, an object or situation that happens at some moment. This emotion can show complete interest in things we don't know, just like the one that Maestra Eli had, which is in the Museum of the Old Toy in CDMX.

Hello to all of you who see us in El Informativo! A few days ago I went to a market and in one of the stalls I saw a wooden cart that caught my attention. I was interested to know how our grandparents and grandmothers had fun during their childhood and now we are here! Come with me!

Today I am at the Museo del Juguete Antiguo, which is in Mexico City. This museum has the largest toy collection in the world; Inside it we can observe part of the history of Mexican toys and our culture, making it a fun and pleasant space for the whole family.

In this museum one is transported to the past. For example, here I observe a rattle; I remember when my dad took me to a typical Mexican party and I was surprised when everyone started to play their rattles. Oh! Here is a little wooden truck and there is a rag doll. What a nice setting! I am delighted to be here!

Also, everything looks alive with lots of toys. More than a million objects in a single museum! Throughout its 6 different rooms, they will find toys that will attract their attention and, without a doubt, curiosity will make them want to play with them. Just like what is happening to me right now when I observe the different types of toys, from wood, small trucks, plastic toys, dolls, among many others.

One of the toys that I loved the most was the little train, because I am very interested in learning about the manufacturing process. Which one would you like to know more about? Do not stay with the doubt and write down this incredible place so that you know it in the future!

Now you will read some contributions from teachers regarding this topic of fascination.

I am a teacher and I love teaching, didactics, mathematics, joking with my students, learning, etc.

I am a teacher and I am fascinated by the day-to-day work with my students.

I am a teacher and I love helping my students develop their skills and bring out the best in themselves.

It's good to see different perspectives on what fascinates people, both young and old.

Watch Teacher Angie prepare a craft for you that might help you achieve your goals.

  1. The secret drawers of goals.

Then, read these phrases from the secret drawer, they will surely motivate you.

In this session what you learned was very interesting since you were able to notice that in the family of surprise you can also find fascination, which is when you are dazzled by an object or a situation that seems extraordinary to you.

You also learned that you can achieve personal and collective goals when you are amazed at what you are capable of.


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The magnitude of the surprise! Primary Quarter | Union Guanajuato
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  • how to make old rag dolls

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