Yellow leaves in plants: what they mean and solutions

  • By:karen-millen



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Por Mariola Báez. Actualizado: 26 julio 2021

That the leaves of the plants are yellowish is something that occurs relatively frequently and that has ever happened to some of our plants, both interior and exterior.See yellow spots on plants' leaves is usually, in most cases, a sign that something negative is affecting the growth and development of plants.It is important to know why they get like this to look for the solution to this problem that affects the health of the vegetable, its flowering and that can even end up killing the plant if it is not treated.

If with the arrival of good weather you have made a deep review of your plants and you have detected that its yellowish leaves, in unconomo we tell you what the yellow leaves mean in the plants and effective solutions to recover their green color.

También te puede interesar: Por qué se ponen las hojas negras en las plantas
  1. What do yellow leaves mean in plants
  2. Natural cycle of some plants
  3. Inadequate irrigation
  4. Insufficient water drainage
  5. Bad location and lighting
  6. Inadequate soil type
  7. Substrate with lack of nutrients
  8. Plagues and diseases
  9. Extreme temperatures and air currents
  10. How to avoid yellow leaves in plants

What do yellow leaves mean in plants

When the plants of the plants become yellow, whole, on the tips or spots, it means that the leaves are losing their chlorophyll.Chlorophyll is a substance that has the plant and is necessary for it to perform the process of photosynthesis.This substance is green and is the reason that the plants are generally green.Thus, when for some reason the plant reduces the production of chlorophyll, the green parts of the plant, such as the leaves and the stem, begin to change color and become yellow.

This process of loss of chlorophyll and yellowing of the leaves is called chlorosis and may be due to several different causes.Next, we detail the causes of the most common yellow leaves and what you can do so that your plant improves and to prevent it from happening again.

Natural cycle of some plants

Hojas amarillas en las plantas: qué significan y soluciones

Although it is obvious, it is important to remember that not always yellow leaves in plants are an alarm signal.It is basic to know the natural cycle of plants that adorn gardens and interiors and know that some lose their leaves in summer or in autumn.

The leaves begin to yellow, end up drying and falling, but it is something totally normal in the deciduous plants.If you know your plants, you will know that you don't have to worry, because those fallen leaves will give way to new leaves in the next spring.

Inadequate irrigation

It is one of the most frequent causes, especially when the plants of the plants become yellow on the tips.Each plant has very specific water needs, so there may be yellow leaves due to excess irrigation or lack of this.It is so bad to water them in excess, how not to give them enough water they need for their survival and correct development.If your plant has yellow leaves with dry and rough texture, it requires water urgently.

Insufficient water drainage

Sometimes the problem is not in the amount of water that we provide to plants, but in a little efficient drain that does not fulfill its mission of avoiding water waterlogging at the base of the pot, which can cause the root to weakenAnd even begins to rot, making the leaves, little by little, they are yellowish and also dying, as the rest of the plant will finally do it if the rot that begins in the roots is allowed to continue advancing.

If you detect that the pot or substrate does not let out the excess water when watering the plant, you will have to change them for others.It is necessary to know the needs of the plant species we have at home to know if they need more or less water on earth and, thus, a substrate that drains more or does a little less, and/or a pot with more holesor less.

Bad location and lighting

Some leaves that begin to yellow or that tend to become brown progressively can be a clear symptom that the place where you have put that plant is not the most appropriate.There are plants that do not support direct exposure to the sun, because the solar rays burn their leaves, others, instead, they need them more directly for their survival and there are also those that need to be in semi -shade or even in shapping environments to grow.The greater or lesser luminosity of the environment can influence the presence of yellow spots on the leaves of the interior and exterior plants.

Therefore, check the needs of the species you have and how much direct sunlight needs, so if necessary you can change it to a better place for its leaves to stop yellowing and burning.

Inadequate soil type

Plants need the pH of the ground where they are planted be compatible with their needs.Some require alkaline soils (rich in limestone) and others, on the other hand, grow better in acid soils.

Here you can see a guide on acidophilic plants or plants that require acid soils and in this other post you will see information about how to measure the pH of the soil.

Substrate with lack of nutrients

It is another probable cause of yellow leaves in plants.A substrate with nutrients appropriate to the type of plant we have is essential to keep them healthy and with the green that characterizes them.The lack of iron, phosphorus or nitrogen on the ground of which the plant feeds can be behind the worrying yellow of the leaves.

Therefore, check these concepts with your trusted gardening professional, whom you so much buy the necessary plants and tools for their care, on the needs of that plant that you see yellowing and about the type of land and nutrients you need and can beMissing or can be excessively.

Plagues and diseases

It should not be ruled out as possible trigger for the progressive deterioration of the leaves and that they are yellow in their entirety, only at the edges or only at the tips.The presence of fungi such as the Mildiu, of diseases such as rust or insect pests and parasites can cause the leaves of the yellowish plants or that spots appear in them.

Extreme temperatures and air currents

They are also possible causes of yellow leaves in those plants that do not tolerate low temperatures or frost and in interior plants that are located at some point in the house where sudden changes in temperatures and air currents are frequent.The problem occurs because in these situations the plant suffers stress to adapt and this is reflected in the yellowing of its leaves, in which it is weaker or other symptoms.

If you see that your plant is in an area with air current or very close to an air conditioning or radiator, change it and put it in a more stable place in terms of these factors.

How to avoid yellow leaves in plants

Knowing the characteristics of your plants and detecting in time the cause that causes their leaves to become yellow it is essential to return their health and preserve them beautiful and in good condition.For each concrete problem you have effective remedies, but they also serve as aspects to consider to always take care of the plants and prevent this problem from arriving, except that of the aging of the leaves itself.Thus, what is needed for plants to be green and not yellow?

If you want to read more articles similar to yellow leaves in plants: What do they mean and solutions, we recommend that you enter our gardening category and plants.

Yellow leaves in plants: what they mean and solutions
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