Our Blog Lucy Cominetti arrives at 13C with a sustainable fashion program

  • By:karen-millen



New clothing trends are not necessarily in fashion if they don't have a message or something else to deliver. Every day the brands that add meaning to their value proposition and that take care of certain problems are more valued.

This is how the new production of 13C, "Ticket de Cambio", proposes it, a program that seeks to create awareness in a transversal way, about the relationship that people have with clothing and the damage that the fashion industry generates due to the explosive production that has experienced during the 21st century.

The host of the space will be the actress and promoter of sustainable fashion Lucy Cominetti, who through different interviews with experts, foundations and activists, will reveal the multiple problems that large-scale clothing production brings and how they impact the decisions of consumers on the environment, work, people and animals.

This space debuts on Wednesday, January 19 at 10:00 p.m. and aims to turn viewers into agents of change, giving them practical advice that allows them to make changes to their daily lives in a simple and accessible way and become part of the solution.

Cominetti revealed that he is very happy with this project because it is an idea that he had several years ago and being able to see it materialized is something that causes him a lot of emotion: “It has been a super enriching process to be able to carry it out, I have been able to learn a lot because I have been involved in various parts of this process. I have liked fashion since I was very young (...) But I am also very clear that it is a very polluting industry, that it has several problems and that it needs to rethink and do things differently. So today, for me, fashion goes hand in hand with sustainability. I would love for more and more people to see it that way. In that sense, I am very excited that with Ticket de Cambio we can be a contribution”.

Nuestro Blog Lucy Cominetti llega a 13C con programa de moda sustentable

Regarding the sustainable practices that she has been adopting in her life, Lucy assured that today she consumes much less clothes than she used to and that she prefers to buy less but of better quality, so that it lasts at least 10 years. .

“I look at the materials, that they are good fabrics, I give preference to natural fibers and I see that the clothes have good finishes. I also choose clothes that are timeless and that are more basic in terms of design, so that they are easier to combine and so I can wear them at any time and not according to what is in fashion and trend”, commented the communicator.

Another of the practices that Cominetti carries out is almost always to choose Chilean producers and designers and buy used or vintage clothing in order to continue using what is already in circulation. “The latter so that basically no more is being produced because there is already a lot. In addition, I also take great care of my clothes, I take care to wash them properly, check the labels, if something happens to them I repair them, I change them and do little things to make these clothes last, because one of the main problems we have is that the clothes we have now have become disposable,” he said.

For the communicator, it is very important and urgent that this type of content be shown on television and reach people, so that sustainability ceases to be seen as something of a niche, of the young, or only of the elite: "If we achieve that it is overcrowded, it is easier for people to be motivated and feel that they can do something to reverse the problem. I am convinced that we can all do something about it. Some more or less, but no matter how small it may seem, it is always better to do something than nothing.”

The host of "Ticket de Cambio" pointed out that the space will not only reveal the problems surrounding the clothing industry, but also "will be part of the solution to the viewer, but always from a nearby, accessible place, giving advice and tools practices, so that people can make a change from everyday life and in their day to day”.

Our Blog Lucy Cominetti arrives at 13C with a sustainable fashion program
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