How to know what colors favor you and what station you are with the invention of € 15 of a Spanish fashion advisor

  • By:karen-millen



What colors favor me? What season of the year am I?They are two of the questions that Google receives for tons per day.And yes, according to your hair, skin color, eyes and more characteristics you are from one season or another.Winter, spring, summer and autumn.And according to the famous 'seasonal theory', the color of the garments that are used, mainly those that are closest to the face, influence the light of the face and eyes.Some colors generate paleness and instead others enhance the factions causing them to look much luminous and favored.

We are not all good for the same colors, it is a fact, and although the best thing to know is always to hire the help of a colorimetry expert, you can do tests without having to try a garment of each color that exists thanks to this inventazo€ 15 that the Spanish fashion advisor Anitta Ruiz sells.

Anitta is an expert in image and in how she communicates clothes, we already talk to her about how politicians give messages according to the garments, colors and accessories that are placed.Now we come to talk about Anitta selling for € 15 a wonderful inventaz.

Cómo saber qué colores te favorecen y qué estación eres con el invento de 15 € de una asesora de moda española

It is an 'colorimetry oval', in the 4 stations that exist, so that you put it around your face and check, without too much difficulty, what are those colors that give you light to the face and feel you about cinema.

What a eye, it does not mean that others are wrong or you cannot take them if you like them, but you will know which ones are the ones that make you radiant.So that when you want to be spectacular, you know in which tones you must dress, although of course, the first of all is your own style and tastes.

She demonstrates it on her Instagram profile:

This content is imported from Instagram. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.Anitta RuizOvalos de Colorimetría Teoría Estacionalbigcartel.com15,00 €ComprarModa y GoogleLas 8 dudas de estilo más buscadas en GoogleEstas es la instagramer española más googleada This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at

How to know what colors favor you and what station you are with the invention of € 15 of a Spanish fashion advisor
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