Facebook Avatars: So you can customize your own animated cartoon

  • By:karen-millen



The small cartoon figures, known as custom avatars have arrived on Facebook.The Mark Zuckerberg platform has launched its own version of the Bitmoji, the Snap property application, which will be called Facebook Avatars.

Now you can create your own avatar based on your identity and use it as stickers and other tools on Facebook and Messenger.At the moment, it is only available in Australia but will soon reach our country.

How to create your Facebook avatar?

When the function is available, you will see an icon with a smiling face in the news window and in the Messenger stickers section;You will recognize it immediately because it will be very different from the one you can see at this time.When clicking, a new screen will open where you can start building an animated cartoon of yourself.

Facebook Avatars: Así podrás personalizar tu propia caricatura animada

To get your avatar to reflect your personality, you will have 18 available categories, which include hair, skin color, facial features, etc..The funniest thing is that you can change your clothes as many times as you want to reflect your day by day.

Are you already imagining the characteristics of your own avatar?

Facebook continues to work up to date with technological advances;That is why it is working on a future option to scan a real image and that the system uses it to create your digital character, in addition to virtual avatars.

Although Facebook avatars are very similar to Bitmoji, the social network will undoubtedly lead this function to another level.Recall what happened with the stories, although the original format arose in Snapchat and then to Instagram, Facebook was the one who took him to the masses and introduced him outside the US.

You can create your avatar at Samsung Galaxy!

In what this new Facebook function arrives, remember that you can create your own avatar from your Samsung Galaxy S9 and Samsung Galaxy S9 +, it is super simple, you just have to take a photo inside the “Adhesive” section of the camera, andclick on the "Create Avatar" option.

When selecting the genre, you can start editing your little cartoon, choosing your hair color, accessories and clothing.So fast you can use your image in different adhesives and elder to share with your friends.

Facebook Avatars: So you can customize your own animated cartoon
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